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brand preference中文是什么意思

用"brand preference"造句"brand preference"怎么读"brand preference" in a sentence


  • 品牌爱好
  • 品牌偏好度


  • To create brand preference by arousing the empathy of our target via an image campaign which reflect a positive attitude in life
  • Even today , every time i choose a product on a supermarket shelf , i am expressing brand preferences influenced by advertisements i saw when i was six
  • Simple strategies . strategies that talk to consumer needs . competitive strategies that build brand preference . sensitive strategies the identify real leverage points - - product benefits or brand image
  • This paper bases on the literature review , constructs a customer repurchase intention model on oliver ’ s loyalty phase theory . the model includes 11 factors : brand preference , cumulative satisfaction , variety seeking , attractiveness of alternatives , switching cost , ( the five dimensions ) , customer repurchase intention , episodic satisfaction , customer perceived value , customer perceived fairness , customer perceived benefits , customer perceived cost
    本文在文献回顾的基础上,吸收了现有学者的研究成果,在oliver ( 1997 , 1999 )提出的顾客四个忠诚阶段的理论基础上,建构了影响顾客重购意向的模型,共包括:顾客重复购买意向、顾客品牌偏好、顾客的交易满意度、顾客的累积满意度、顾客的多样化追求、替代品吸引力、转换成本、顾客感知价值、顾客感知公平感、顾客成本付出、顾客的感知利益等11个因素。
用"brand preference"造句  



One of the indicators of the strength of a brand in the hearts and minds of customers, brand preference represents which brands are preferred under assumptions of equality in price and availability.
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